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Found 3167 results for any of the keywords sampling event. Time 0.011 seconds.
Hire Event Staff London | Birmingham | Manchester | Scotland | SamplinHire event staff London, Birmingham, Manchester and Scotland. Events staffing teams at competitive rates. Product sampling, leafleting, exhibition, in store promotion staff. Hire motivated events staffing teams to get yo
Unite | Event Staffing Agency London UK | Reliable | Friendly | MotivaEvent Staffing Agency Central London. Trained motivated friendly event staff who are ready to represent brands. Hire events staff at competitive rates, Promotional staffing agency providing costume, leaflet distribution
Global Air Sampler (GAS) Low Volume Product Lines | Global Air SampleGlobal Air Sampling System is a microprocessor controlled low-volume air sampler consisting of an oil-less, carbon vane vacuum pump, with a constant airflow regulator for use where a nearly constant airflow is desirable.
Dataset classesThe four classes of datasets supported by GBIF start simply and become progressively richer, more structured and more complex
Sampling Systems ShopSampling Systems online shop, Sampling Systems specialize in the supply of samplers and associated laboratory equipment. We supply thousands of companies around the globe.
Data quality requirementsPublishers play an essential role not simply in sharing datasets, but also in managing their quality, completeness and usefulness and ensuring their integration and value within GBIF’s global knowledge base.
Environmental Sampling Rocky Mountain Soil SamplingEnvironmental investigations frequently call for soil and groundwater data at locations that conventional drilling equipment can t access. Rocky Mountain Soil Sampling has developed effective methods to collect soil samp
Air Sampling Pumps Equipment RentalsRAECO Rents offers air sampling pump rentals including air quality monitors, personal air sampling pumps, calibrators, and media. Get in touch today!
Sediment Sampling Rocky Mountain Soil SamplingSediment sampling can be one of the most challenging environments to work in. So many fragile organisms and so much sensitive habitat. Soft slippery working conditions. And all that water!
Prompt TankAssure - Automatic Milk Sampling SolutionPrompt TankAssure is an automatic milk sampling system which consists of 6+1 / 14+1 sampling pumps, and RFID tagged tamper-proof vials. Click to know more.
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